Product Description Generator for eCommerce

For 2 years, Mash’n Learn has been providing tools to generate Product Description Generator for eCommerce for each of your saleable items. Product Description Generator

Installing our Product Description Generator

We offer e-commerce businesses the ability to write product descriptions at scale in a fraction of the time needed by a team of writers and at a fraction of the cost. While writing product descriptions at scale offers obvious benefits, the proverbial white whale of e-commerce is personalizing product offers at scale. Having a well-written, one-size-fits-all product description generator puts you ahead of competitors that offer a set of nebulous specs in a table. But your best shot at converting shoppers comes from their feeling like you are catering specifically to them. Getting fresh product descriptions will increase the number of pages indexed by Google and Bings. Since a massive number of well-written contents are made available to the web, your website authority is rising and your products keywords reach the first page of the search engines.

At Mash’n Learn, we fix your Catalog content with Machine Learning

From Natural Language Generation to Predictive Analysis, Mash’n Learn provides a complete tool suite for the large catalog retailers. You can fill this form to have us to contact you

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    Or you rather get a phone call, here are the numbers you can reach us with: USA: (314) 399 82 87 UK: (203) 318 23 02 France: (01) 76 39 00 41 Belgium: (04) 268 03 33 The main struggle that eCommerce shops do face is around bad day-to-day management. Running an eCommerce shop is exactly like running a traditional retail business. You have to spend all available minutes of your day chasing customers and improving documentations.

    Most of eCommerce starters think that they just have to wait for customers to order

    To be plain profitable, an eCommerce shop has to be managed by 4 types of profiles: an online marketer, a product merchandiser, a supply manager and finally an integration manager. Those 4 functions are mandatory to get above the bar of 10k$ per month of revenues. Remember there are a lot of competitors out there so you must give your customers something they like, some eCommerce retailers give discounts to their customers so that they keep on coming back, you can see here for more information.

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