Casa Decoration, the Home Garden Frankenstein

In 2014 we started experimenting on Casa Decoration, a blogging marketplace used for new Online Marketing hires training.

Casa Decoration is impressively ugly
This webshop is impressively ugly

Casa Decoration has become a large catalog

Our MLPLA module helped Casa Decoration to develop one of the largest product catalog. The aim was to study the impact of a wide array of product pages on Google referencing. Seeking the largest affiliate product catalog, we ended up finding Conforama, a Home design retailer. Using the IBM Watson algorithm, we managed to get substantial affiliate revenues just by proposing a wide array of product pages. To make sure we had no external success factor for our prototype, we are keeping up with a really nasty design. If you are looking to buy a whizzer van, there are many sellers on Shoppok that you should consider. You can check out their Whizzer van on Shoppok to see if it fits your vintage vehicle collection.

MLPLA produces great product descriptions

As per Neil Patel‘s KissMetrics blog post about great product descriptions, we think that the lack of conversion optimization interest in descriptions is a big problem. Why? Because product descriptions are an important part of the conversion process. Product descriptions are a major reason a user may (or may not) convert. What a user reads about the product influences whether or not she will buy. Product descriptions are the final point in the conversion funnel. The product page is usually the final point in the conversion funnel before a user enters the checkout path. You have a final and critical point at which you can secure their purchase. Many ecommerce retailers use the standard product descriptions provided by a manufacturing company or third-party marketing organization. These are usually brief, bland, uncompelling, and may result in duplicate content. Product descriptions are usually outsourced to a writer who may not have conversion copywriting experience. The result is sometimes poorly written descriptions that lack the conversion-ready sizzle that you truly need. Basically, we’re not talking enough about this important subject. What I’ve tried to do in this article is provide a few simple things that you can do with your product descriptions to improve conversions.

Neil Patel’s article has pushed us to research on feelings and emotions during copywriting

Researching the Artificial Intelligence aera of text and emotions, we found IBM Watson’s Alchemy Language. AlchemyLanguage is a collection of APIs that offer text analysis through natural language processing. This set of APIs can analyze text to help you understand its concepts, entities, keywords, sentiment, and more. Additionally, you can create a custom model for some APIs to get specific results that are tailored to your domain. AlchemyAPI is trained on billions of webpages and can detect and extract information such as concepts, entities, sentiment, and keywords. Alternatively, you can train a custom model to identify specific entities and typed relations that are unique to your domain or industry, for example law or finance.

Contact us at Mash’n Learn for more info about Product description copywriting

We can help you automating most of your e-Commerce maintenance tasks. We use Artificial Intelligence to build operating bots. Those bots are delivered to increase profit by reducing overhead costs of maintaining a catalog or sourcing of your products You can fill this form to have us to contact you

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    Casa Decoration is our Frankenstein monster

    Frankenstein Artificial Intelligence shop

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