It all started with our developments about Commerce Catalog Automation. We keep on looking for solutions to mimick the copywriters tasks when they build product descriptions.
Commerce Catalog Automation focus on product descriptions
Let MLPLA do the hard work. It automatically generates unique product descriptions from what IBM Watson identified as positive keywords in your product name. Rather than manually writing content that consistently needs to be updated, our Commerce Catalog Automation bot automatically generates unique, non duplicated human engaging content.
Large retailers are struggling with their catalog size, especially in high season when special items are published. For an online merchant, hosting a wide range of items is a key advantage against traditionnal commerces. This is creating a huge burden on Marketing, who’s compelled to produce complete and
Yoast-friendly product pages in their boutique.
Google is making sure online stores have to keep up with its SEO rules. We integrate with for our page ranking and we identified that good content rhymes with regular fresh content generated with an AI content software. Each time our MLPLA tool process thousands of new items, we can observe a jump in the organic search traffic.
So, how can I get 10 thousand product descriptions for my store?
Some of our clients are way past 100 thousands items, especially in the Home & Furnitures design industry.
We can contact you to run a demo and to discuss how we could help you with your current catalog challenge. For this, you’ll only need to submit your contact information or call us:
Or you rather get a phone call, here are the numbers you can reach us with:
(01) 76 39 00 41
(04) 268 03 33
(314) 399 82 87
(203) 318 23 02