Monthly Archives: January 2017

Lisa Mashn is a Natural Language Generation bot

Lisa Mashn is a Natural Language Generation bot. More specifically, she’s 3 types of bots into one: Maintenance bot, Chat bot and Twitter bot. Her job is to manage the end-to-end operations of Gamers Paradise, a French speaking Gaming webshop. Natural Language Generation bot managing eCommerce websites In my 10 years experience with eCommerce owners […]

COLAS – Product Categorization and Integration through Machine Learning

Mash’n Learn has been taken along with BHI to improve the Product Categorization and Integration at COLAS, the Engineering company part of Bouygues group. Product Categorization though Machine Learning Rationalizing the Product Catalog through categorization and complete integration can help any large organization to: Control the Costs Rationalize the Sourcing Share information inside the companies more […]

Why your robot should rewrite fresh Product Descriptions every week?

While our Mash’n Learn clients clearly understand the great value of having one of our Natural Language Generation robots to create their product descriptions, they usually wonder why we suggest to have those contents frequently updated. Mash’n Learn’s Natural Language Generation robots fresh Product Descriptions frequently We discussed this with my SEO colleagues the potential […]

Natural Language Generation for Media

Media Natural Language Generation is a growing feature. From finance to sports, from politics to millions of individualized stories, our partner Wordsmith is revolutionizing media. Companies like The Associated Press are expanding output by orders of magnitude and freeing up staff time, all while decreasing errors. Media Natural Language Generation is an essential component of […]

WooCommerce Product Categorization by Applying Machine Learning

At Mash’n Learn, all our features are built to reduce e-Commerce pain and by Research & Development. WooCommerce Product Categorization by Applying Machine Learning has been inspired by the great work of Sushant Shankar and Irving Lin from the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University. Our Lab developed a set of functions analysing Categories […]